19.02.2016 - Workshop-videoconference "Cloud library networks building and electronic resources integration - the key direction of effective development of libraries for Russia's culture, education and science systems" in the CLS of Moscow NAD 16.02.2016

February, 16 of 2016 The State Budget Institution of Culture of Moscow "Centralized Library System of the Northern Administrative District" and The SPA "Inform-Systema" held The Workshop-videoconference "Cloud library networks building and electronic resources integration - the key direction of effective development of libraries for Russia's culture, education and science systems".

Director of the State Budget Institution of Culture of Moscow "Centralized Library System of the Northern Administrative District" (CLS of Moscow NAD) N.V. Shapkina made opening remarks. CEO of the SPA "Inform-Systema" Dr. of Techn. Sciences, prof. V.V. Popov, Deputy General Director for Science of the SPA "Inform-Systema", PhD A.I. Bashmakov and Head of New Technologies and IT Department of CLS of Moscow NAD S.V. Vasyanin made presentations, in which in which the following issues were discussed:

  • state, technological trends and perspectives of creating cloud library networks and electronic resources integration of Russian Federation libraries;
  • the MARC Cloud technology as the basis for cloud library networks;
  • the experience of development and using of cloud library network in CLS of Moscow NAD.

The user interface and basic functions of information library system MARC Cloud, including import and integration of electronic catalogues with doublet checking, were demostrated.

The workshop was broadcasted online on YouTube.com. In total, the event was attended by 114 people, including 84 people - online participants from different countries and Russia's regions. Online participants asked questions in comments broadcast. Speakers have answered these questions in the final part of the workshop.


We thank our colleagues from CLS of Moscow NAD for the high level of organization the workshop!

The report presentation

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